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When Do African Greys Start Talking?




African Greys Start Talking


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Many parrot owners and pet lovers alike are curious as to when their African grey parrot will start talking. Will it have a vocabulary of 5 words, 10 words or even more?

African Greys start talking when they are 12-14 months old. They will repeat the sounds they hear you make and mimic the sounds they hear around them.

Tame African Greys are known to learn how to speak English with ease, although the younger you begin teaching them, the quicker they will learn.

The best way to teach your African Grey to speak is to use a lot of praise, repetition and patience. It can take a while before you hear your bird copy anything you say. But be patient! African Greys do talk, but it will take time and patience to get them started

How Do I Teach My African Grey to Talk?

Although African Greys can be taught to talk, they don’t learn words like parrots do. While some African Greys may be able to say a few words, most are not going to be conversationalists. However, you can teach your bird to make sounds other than his typical squawk.

If you’re looking for a bird with the potential for more verbal skills, consider the mutations of the African Grey: pied or blue fronted. These birds are capable of mimicking human speech and do so in an effort to interact with their owners. It’s been said that if you have a pied or blue fronted bird, you no longer need a dog or cat!

Teaching African grey to talk is really easy if you just follow the instructions below on how to teach your African grey parrot to speak.

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is make sure that your African grey parrot is tame and has a very good vocabulary. You will only stand a chance of teaching him to talk if he already knows some words and sounds. You can also use this opportunity to teach new words and sounds in his vocabulary.

Step 2: Buy or make yourself a talking toy for your bird. It should have buttons that play different sounds, like mom, dad, kitty, birdie, etc. Switch it on and let your pet listen for sometime.

Step 3: Now start saying the names of the sounds that you want your parrot to say. This includes the ones he is familiar with and those he isn’t yet familiar with. For instance, if you wanted him to say kitty, then say it along with him while he listens to the toy’s sound after each time.

If your bird is afraid of you, it will never learn to speak. The best way to gain your bird’s trust and respect is through positive reinforcement. This means rewarding the bird when it does something good like stepping up onto your finger or saying a few words. 

The best way to start training an African grey is by using simple words and phrases such as “hello,” “good boy,” and “no.” These words can help you establish communication with the bird and build its confidence at the same time. Once you have taught your bird these words, it will learn them faster than other more complicated words that are harder for him to recognize.  

Do All African Greys Talk?

African grey parrots are a very popular pet choice. They have a great disposition and they can be taught to talk. But do all African greys talk?

No, not all of them do. In fact, only about 50% of these birds will talk at all. It’s hard to determine if the bird will be able to imitate sounds if it’s a baby. It is believed that the birds are born with this ability but it usually takes until they are about 2 years old before they can speak clearly. There’s no way to know if your bird will talk or not until it is older.

The reason so many of them don’t talk isn’t due to lack of trying on the owners part. It has more to do with why they were sold in the first place.

Most of these birds come from places where they are endangered or threatened by poachers and other dangers. The pet trade provides a way for people to be able to raise them in captivity and still protect them from extinction in the wild. As long as demand exists, the birds will be taken from their native habitat, so being an owner does help protect them in some way.

How Old Are Parrots When They Start Talking?

Parrots are among the world’s most intelligent birds, and it’s no surprise that they’re one of the most popular pets. They can be very friendly and affectionate, and remain playful into adulthood. But as a parrot owner quickly discovers, these intelligent, social animals use their voices to communicate.

Parrots don’t start talking until they’re about 12 weeks old. At this stage of their development, the birds are learning how to interact with people and other parrots. A good bird trainer can help your young parrot get used to its voice so it doesn’t scare it or inhibit its ability to communicate.

Many parrots learn to speak even earlier than this, especially if they have been raised by humans from a young age. Parrots that are allowed to develop naturally might take longer to start talking; when they do, they often don’t learn many words. It’s up to you whether you want a vocal pet — some people prefer quieter birds that imitate sounds but don’t say much.

Learning how old parrots start talking is just one part of learning about caring for these unique animals. The best thing owners can do is find plenty of time to spend with their pets and prepare them for life as a social animal in an interactive home environment.

Do Female African Grey Talk?

African Greys Talking

When you first get an African Grey Parrot it is quite common for them to be shy and quiet. As they adjust to their new home they will begin to talk more. When they are comfortable with you they will start saying words and phrases to you, as well as mimicking sounds that they hear around them.

Are females better talkers than males? There are no differences between male or female African Greys when it comes to talking ability. Since African Grey Parrots are one of the most intelligent of the bird species, males and females both have the capacity to learn human language. However, some research has found that females tend to be easier to train than males. This may be because females are more dependent on their owners for food and care, so they are more likely to want to please their owner by learning words and phrases.

Why Doesn’t My African Grey Parrot Talk?

Parrots are the most intelligent of birds. They have been known to count, imitate sounds, identify colors, and even speak words. So why doesn’t my African Grey parrot talk? Well, maybe he does and you just don’t know it!

Unfortunately, not all African Greys will talk. There are many reasons for this ranging from the way you’re raising your parrot to the bird’s age. But if you’re interested in teaching your African Grey to talk, it’s important that you keep a few things in mind before you begin.

First of all, the talking abilities of an African Grey Parrot vary greatly depending on where they are raised and by whom. An African Grey reared in a pet store or breeding facility is unlikely to learn to speak because they never have any interaction with humans.

Second, many people buy an African Grey as an adult as opposed to when they are a baby. This is fine if you plan on hand-rearing them yourself but if you have plans of adopting one from a shelter or rescue center then be aware that these birds may not learn to talk as easily as one who was raised by humans from infancy.

Finally, remember that your African Grey will only learn to speak if he is willing and eager to.

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