Everything You Need About Birds

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Uncover New Insights About Your Birds

Dive into the world of birds and uncover amazing facts about their behavior, habitats, and unique characteristics. Whether you’re a seasoned bird lover or just starting out, there’s always something new to learn!

Featured Posts

  • What Birds Can Live Together in an Aviary?

    What Birds Can Live Together in an Aviary?

    Aviaries are the best places for birds to live in captivity. They usually require a lot of space and separate compartments that prevent the birds from fighting. Various types of birds can live together in an aviary, but they must be compatible. Many types of birds can live together in an aviary, but some birds…

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  • Why Is My Baby Bird Not Eating

    Why Is My Baby Bird Not Eating

    A baby bird that does not eat will most likely die! Being a bird parent is a serious responsibility, and one that should not be taken lightly.  Many new baby birds are afraid of people and will not eat from a bowl on the floor. They must be placed into a cage where they feel…

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Latest Posts

  • Why Are There Fewer Hummingbirds This Year? Explained

    Why Are There Fewer Hummingbirds This Year? Explained

    Curious why you’re seeing fewer hummingbirds this year? Find out the common reasons behind their absence and what you can do to bring them back.

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  • How to Safely Remove Hummingbirds from a Building

    How to Safely Remove Hummingbirds from a Building

    Need to get a hummingbird out of your house? Follow these safe and humane tips to guide it outside without causing harm.

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  • The Friendliest Birds: From Wild Species to Ideal Pets

    The Friendliest Birds: From Wild Species to Ideal Pets

    Discover the most sociable birds, from wild puffins to affectionate pet cockatiels and budgies.

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  • What Do Doves Eat?

    What Do Doves Eat?

    Doves eat a variety of foods. They feed on seeds, insects and their larvae, plant material and sometimes small vertebrates such as lizards or mice. Doves prefer to feed in open areas where they can see predators approaching. They tend to flock together while feeding, especially when they are feeding on seeds. They are not…

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  • Do Ostriches Have Hollow Bones?

    Do Ostriches Have Hollow Bones?

    They’re known for burying their heads in the sand — but do ostriches really have hollow bones? The answer is no. Ostriches have a sismilar skeletal system to other birds, with hollow bones to help them fly and weigh less. Ostriches, however, are flightless birds. Instead, they use their long legs to run up to…

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  • Can Ostriches Fly?

    Can Ostriches Fly?

    Ostriches can’t fly, but they can run. The fastest running birds in the world, ostriches can sprint in short bursts up to 43 miles an hour (70 kilometers an hour), and they can maintain a steady speed of 31 mph (50 kph). But that doesn’t mean ostriches are entirely flightless. Unlike other birds that flap…

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