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How to Raise a Goldfinch? – All About Goldfinch




Raise a Goldfinch


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It is one of the wild birds found in abundance in the Levant and Europe, which has its beautiful voice, its continuous varied singing, the ease of caring for it and its breeding, in addition to its bright and shiny feathers, due to that many people are interested in acquiring this bird and raising it in homes and to enjoy its beautiful voice and attractive shape.

Types of Goldfinch 

There are several types of goldfinch, which may differ from each other in their shape, size, or place of spread, and we mention from these types the following:

This species is found in northern Europe and Russia, and it is also found in eastern Asia. This species prefers to live in forests, builds its nests on trees, and lays between 2-6 eggs, and small grains and young insects are its main food.

  • Goldian goldfinch: one of the types of Australian sparrows, lives in the northern forests of Australia, and in the tropical plains, and these birds migrate towards the south when the winter season approaches, and return in the summer, and there are three types of this type of goldfinch: the goldfinch red-headed Black-headed Gouldian Goldfinch, Yellow-headed Gouldian Goldfinch, and Goldian Goldfinch are considered endangered birds.
  • Cherry goldfinch: This small bird is up to 10 centimeters long, and is found frequently in Europe and Australia. The female lays between two and four eggs in a small nest about 15 centimeters long.
  • Gray goldfinch: lives in the United States of America, in the vast fields of thistles, such as California, New Mexico, and in several other states. This type migrates from west to east, unlike the rest of the species that migrate from north to south, and does not migrate except in necessary cases. Such as the lack of water, food, or human intervention in the environment in which he lives.

The Difference Between Male and Female Goldfinch

The male goldfinch looks very similar to the female, and it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between them, but the one who closely examines them notes the difference between them, and among these differences:

The length of the female’s beak is shorter than the male’s beak. The female’s mustaches are white, while the male’s mustaches are black. The head of the female is red until near the eye, but the male is red until the end of the eye. So you will notice that the redness in the male is more and reaches the end of the eye. The head of the female goldfinch is honey-gray, while the male is very black. The head of the female is pointed, while the head of the male is long.

Goldfinch Specifications

The size of the goldfinch varies between 12 to 13 centimeters, and the length of its wings is about 21 to 25 centimeters, and its weight is between 14 to 19 g. The goldfinch is characterized by its attractive beauty; It has a bright red face on top, a black head and white cheeks, and its wings are black and interspersed with a yellow-golden stripe, and its long sharp beak is ivory-colored, and the distinction is made between a male and a female goldfinch by checking the length of the beak where it is Shorter in females, and the red face mask extends behind the eyes in males, while it hardly reaches near the eyes in females.

Mating in Goldfinch

The goldfinch reaches sexual maturity at one year of age, and it is considered a monogamous bird, meaning that each one of them is satisfied with only one partner, and males usually start courting females during the months of February and March, when they tweet and perform jumping shows with the aim of attracting females, and after several weeks of performances Females woo the males by swinging the body, lowering the head and beak and fluffing the feathers, while the males erect an erection to appear larger, after which intercourse takes place several times a day until the female lays her eggs, and the female lays five eggs usually, and the goldfinch eggs are characterized by their white color With red and black inscriptions on it, and in rare cases the eggs may be white only, and the incubation period for the eggs lasts between 12 to 14 days, during which the female sits on the eggs and the male feeds the female.

How Do I Make My Goldfinch Sing?

Goldfinch is often seen in dense tree areas such as forests and dense orchards in various parts of the world, and it is frequently found in areas where cereals of various types are grown because it is one of the favorite meals.

Including those who seek love and grass as food and strength for them to enable them to continue life. As for the second type, it is a beautiful type that many people love to acquire due to the beauty of its appearance and appearance, and also for its good voice and giving it to the place where it is located a lot of beauty and grace, and these birds are many in their types and different in their sounds and movements. It has many names that differ according to the region in which it lives, and among those beautiful birds that a large number of people acquire is the goldfinch, which takes love as food for it, and which people now produce for it in specialized factories.

What distinguishes the goldfinch is that it is a stubborn bird that loves freedom. It gets sad and sluggish after hunting and dropping it in the cage. It stops tweeting and moving in its natural form because one of its habits is migration and movement quickly, so how can it get used to a small cage, so they used to bring it in a large cage to allow it to move freely In some lovers, I reached the size of the bedrooms in the palaces, where he takes some freedom and begins tweeting.

There are a number of ways that push him to tweet, which is the love that this goldfinch adores another bird, so he goes to desire her with his voice and good looks and gets what is required of him by tweeting at that time, but often the goldfinch refuses that because he is prevented from freedom and movement. The best is to expand the cage and increase its space so that he can move freely and easily.

Also, it is preferable to take him out in the morning sun to see the sunlight and the morning breeze, as this leads him to a lot of desire for freedom, and he begins his tweets at that time, and does not forget about food, exchanges in it, and providing a comfortable nest for him so that he can feel as if he is in the wide free world in which he has the right to go anywhere he wants.

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