Everything You Need About Birds

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  • keeping Pigeons as pets

    Is It Good to Keep Pigeons at Home?

    Pigeons are generally considered as pests in urban areas. But some people do keep pigeons as pets at home. Keeping pigeons at home can cause various health problems. Pigeon droppings are the main source of diseases like encephalitis and histoplasmosis. Pigeons are beautiful birds. They make good pets too. But they can also be very…

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  • Red Canary Bird

    Can Canaries Turn Red?

    Canaries can change their color to one extent or another. As you may know, the bird is a hybrid and the species of canary was developed from interbreeding between several other species of birds. The natural ancestors of the canary were native to the Canary Islands and North Africa, but they have been spread far…

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  • Canaries Survive Outside

    Can Canaries Survive Outside?

    Canary birds have a lifespan of about 12 to 14 years. They can definitely survive outside for the majority of the year. However, it is important that you provide them with safe havens from the cold and elements. Canaries can survive outside, but they do not thrive and it is not recommended. In general, birds…

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  • Canaries See in the Dark

    Can Canaries See in the Dark?

    Canaries, like many other animals, can see well at night. In fact, they have better vision than humans do in low light conditions. However, canaries are not equipped with a nocturnal eye. The eyes of birds in general are larger than human eyes and their pupils dilate more to allow more light into the retina.…

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  • Black Canary Bird

    Can Canaries Be Black?

    Canaries can be black, in fact there are a couple different types of black canaries. But they are not very common. The most common type of black canary is the Satinette Canary which has been selectively bred to have a black plumage. This breed is actually an offshoot of the Roller Canary breed that was…

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  • canaries aggressive

    Can Canaries Kill Each Other?

    Canaries are social birds, so they will enjoy each other’s company. They are not territorial, but they may be aggressive towards each other, especially if there is a shortage of space or food. If your canaries fight to the death, that means they are feeling threatened. Maybe they don’t have enough space or food, or…

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  • Baby Penguin

    How Penguins Feed Their Babies?

    Unlike birds, penguins do not feed their babies directly from a pouch. Rather, they have a tiny area of bare skin called a crop on the underside of their body where they store food and later regurgitate it. The female penguin feeds the baby penguin by giving it food from her crop. The process of…

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  • penguins on cold weather

    How Penguins Adapt to Cold Weather?

    Penguins have a lot of adaptations for living in Antarctica. They have blubber for warmth, webbed feet for swimming, and feathers that are very dense to help them stay warm in water. They also have wings adapted for swimming. Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere on many different kinds of habitats such as temperate, tropical…

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  • exotic flamingos

    How Do Flamingos Defend Themselves?

    Flamingos are social animals and will live in flocks of hundreds if not thousands. This gives them a huge advantage when it comes to defense as they can raise an alert and quickly scare off any would-be predators. However, they also have other defenses to protect themselves. These include: Incredible eyesight – flamingos have very…

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  • Flamingo nest

    How Do Flamingos Build Nests?

    Flamingos nest in colonies on mud flats. They use their beaks to mash up mud and wet grasses, which they then form into a shallow bowl-shaped nest. The nests are often quite close together. Flamingos build nests from the mud and grass that is available in their habitat. They shape the material into a shallow…

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