Everything You Need About Birds

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  • Tame a Canary

    How to Tame a Canary by Hand? 5 Easy Steps

    Most bird owners keep canaries as caged songbirds. After all, canaries are known for their singing. Still, the good news is that you can tame your canary by hand and have them interact with you effectively. A hand tamed canary can become your best companion over time. Canaries have been domesticated for centuries. You can…

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  • Raise a Goldfinch

    How to Raise a Goldfinch? – All About Goldfinch

    It is one of the wild birds found in abundance in the Levant and Europe, which has its beautiful voice, its continuous varied singing, the ease of caring for it and its breeding, in addition to its bright and shiny feathers, due to that many people are interested in acquiring this bird and raising it…

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  • Can Parakeets Eat Pellets?

    Can Parakeets Eat Pellets?

    One of the most common questions we get is “can parakeets eat pellets”? The answer to that question is yes, but it all depends on the kind of parakeet owner that you are and the type of pellet you’re giving him. If you’re a responsible and knowledgeable parakeet owner then “yes” pellets can and will…

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  • Baby Bird Not Eating

    Why Is My Baby Bird Not Eating

    A baby bird that does not eat will most likely die! Being a bird parent is a serious responsibility, and one that should not be taken lightly.  Many new baby birds are afraid of people and will not eat from a bowl on the floor. They must be placed into a cage where they feel…

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  • kissing your bird

    Is It Safe To Kiss Your Pet Bird?

    Owners of parakeets, parrots and other domestic birds, do not let your favorite animal kiss your lips anymore! When it comes to pet birds, many people wonder if it’s okay to share a smooch with them. This question usually arises when the human is looking at their feathered friend and getting jabby with feelings of…

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  • Bird mites

    Are Bird Mites Dangerous?

    Bird mites can be a serious problem for both your pet bird and your family. All birds regardless of species, size, age or gender can host a variety of different types of mites. Mites don’t cause disease but they do weaken the immune system of the host. This causes the host to become more susceptible…

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  • How Long Can Parakeets Go Without Food or Water

    How Long Can Parakeets Go Without Food or Water?

    When caring for a bird, such as a parakeet, it’s important to know as much as possible about it. This includes knowing how long they can go without access to food and water. This way you will be optimally prepared for any situation. Most animals can go longer without food than without water, parakeets, on…

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  • Bird Feeder

    How to Choose the Best Bird Feeder?

    We’re an affiliate We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, we may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Thank you if you use our links, we really appreciate it! To feed the birds in the garden and take care of biodiversity, we…

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  • Wandering Albatross - Biggest Wingspan

    What Bird Has the Biggest Wingspan?

    On Earth there are many impressive animals, both for their skills and their size. When you think of birds, do you think all birds have to be small to be able to fly? Have you ever wondered what the world’s largest bird on Earth is? or what is the world’s largest extinct bird? What Is…

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  • Canaries Good Pets

    Are Canaries Good Pets?

    Canaries are some of the best and most popular pet birds. These birds exhibit a happy nature and their fantastic singing ability coupled with beautiful colors make these pet birds awesome. Additionally, canaries have a great personality, which makes them one of the easiest birds to interact with all birds. Nothing is more exciting than…

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