Everything You Need About Birds

How Long Do Canaries Live For?




Atlantic canary


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If you are a fan of raising a canary, expect a canary to accompany you for 15 years! It is true, do not take this number as accurate, as some birds will live less and others will exceed it, and this depends mainly on the level of health care, activity, and the application of the principles of safety and prevention.

Lifespan of Male and Female Canary

The ages of the male and female canary are different. The male songwriter lives longer than the female. On the other hand, a female who has not ovulated can live as long as a male, but ovulation reduces her life. The average lifespan of a female who ovulates regularly is 6 years.

How Long Do Canaries Live In Captivity?

While many people are aware that captive birds are kept in cages for breeding or other purposes, few know how long these canaries live in captivity.

The average lifespan of a pet canary is about 6 years. Canaries are known as one of the most popular pets in the world due to their ability to mimic human speech and be trained to sing. These birds are also very intelligent, which can make them a great companion for children.

What Affects a Canary’s Lifespan?

A canary’s lifespan is dependent on a multitude of factors. Some, like diet, water quality and living conditions, are within their owner’s control; others are not.

The most important things that affect the lifespan of a pet canary are how well it is fed and how well it is taken care of. A canary needs to have fresh food and water daily. It also needs a clean cage with lots of space in order to exercise. Its cage should be situated in an area that does not get too hot or cold.

If a canary does not get enough exercise or stimulation, it will become depressed and its lifespan will be cut short. Another factor affecting a canary’s lifespan is where it lives. A pet canary that resides in an apartment building near loud traffic will die sooner than one that lives on a farm surrounded by green fields and fresh air.

A bird that is in good physical shape will be able to live a longer life than a bird that is unhealthy. Birds that have been injured or have a disease may not live as long as birds that are healthy, active and well fed.

How to Care For Your Canary for Long Lifespan

As I mentioned earlier, health care plays an important role in determining the lifespan of a bird, and here are some tips to help you get the care your bird needs:

– Put it in your largest cage to allow it to fly. The lowest cage to put it in is 44 cm long and 26 cm wide.

– Ventilate the room well and be naturally lit (sunlight), on the other hand, beware of the scorching heat of the sun, which may cause him to dry out and endanger his life.

– Renew and clean the water daily

– Selection of the finest grains, in addition to vegetables and fruits, in varying quantities

What to Do If Your Canary Is Stressed?

Stress and tension negatively affect the life of the canary. They are known for their gentleness and shyness, which is why they should be avoided with other large and aggressive birds such as the parrot. Also, do not put two males in a small cage, and this is because of the possibility of a quarrel and injuring one of them, but if you have a large cage, there is nothing wrong with that.

Flying canary at home:

You may enjoy the sight of your bird flying around the house, but if you don’t take precautions you could endanger life.

Your bird is in danger at any moment. Therefore, before opening the cage door, make sure all windows are closed so that he does not escape. Cover windows and mirrors so that he does not collide with them.

Canaries can easily kill themselves, whether by hitting one of the objects or furniture in the room. Do not shoot your bird in the kitchen or at least avoid cooking while your bird is hovering so that it does not get charred in the fire.

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