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Can Canaries Live With Finches?




canaries and finches


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Have you ever thought about keeping a canary and a finch together? Most of us bird lovers consider keeping two different species of birds in a cage and then observe how they behave towards each other. For example, you might want to know if canaries and finches can live together in a cage.

Finches and canaries are friendly birds. Therefore, the two species of birds can live together either separately or in the same cage. They can also live together in couples consisting of one to three couples.

Let’s explore more in this article how to keep these two birds happy while they live together.

Keeping Finches and Canaries Together

Canaries and finches are perhaps the most social species of birds in the world. Their social and friendly nature allows these birds to live together in one environment, both in captivity and in the wild. These birds have so much in common that they complement each other and make excellent long-term companions.

Nonetheless, there are some things bird owners need in order for these two species of birds to live happily together. Below are some essentials to invest in if you intend to keep canaries and finches together.

  • Larger cage
    One aspect common to canaries and finches is that these two birds like to fly other than climbing. Whether free or in captivity, a finch or canary will not hesitate to flap their wings as they sing.

Therefore, consider keeping these birds in a larger cage. A wider cage is best because it allows the birds to fly from side to side without colliding. With a larger cage, you can provide your birds with tons of toys for quality play time.

Remember to set up perches in the cage. Finches and canaries love to roost when they are not flying. However, do not set up too many perches as they can injure your birds when they fly inside the cage. One or two perches on the sides of the cage are sufficient for your birds.

  • Enough food and water
    Canaries and finches can live peacefully in the same cage provided they have enough food and water. Canaries and wild finches obtain a variety of food, such as seeds and wild fruits. This is why they thrive well despite the harsh conditions in nature.

These birds also need an adequate amount of food when living in captivity. Birds will not compete for food if there is already enough food in the cage.

Some good food choices for canaries and finches include fresh leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. Other good diet options include peppers, green beans, cauliflower, sweet potato, and sweet corn.

Water is also crucial for canaries and finches living in a cage. In addition to taking water, finches and canaries must take a bath to keep their bodies clean. Therefore, you should place two bowls of water in the cage to ensure that each bird can drink or bathe whenever they want.

  • Enough nesting space
    Canaries and finches are very active. These two are mainly active during the day as they are diurnal in nature. However, they like to sleep at night, so you need to provide them with enough nesting space. Keep two nests on either side of the cage to make sure each bird has a nesting space where they can sleep or take a nap.

Do Canaries and Finches Fight?

Canaries and finches are non-aggressive bird species. In addition, these bird species are not territorial like most birds, including parrots. They can live together in a cage without fighting or engaging in territorial disputes.

When living in pairs, male canaries can be aggressive towards finches during the breeding season. Fortunately, aggression does not translate into fierce fighting and subsides once the breeding season is over. Finches and canaries rarely fight, even when they compete for food and space.

Can Finches and Canaries Reproduce?

Although these birds belong to different subspecies, these two birds can reproduce. Reproduction between these birds is rare, but it can occur mainly in finches and canaries in captivity.

Mules are hybrids of finches and canaries. Mules have a subtle melodic tone. They also have a longer lifespan and a happier life. Some widespread finch subspecies that are likely to breed with canaries include goldfinches and greenfinches.

Can a Canary and a Finch Be a Couple?

Canaries and finches do well as a couple. A canary or a chaffinch cannot thrive well when living alone. So a canary and a finch can make a great pair. A male finch and a female canary or vice versa can end up making a nice pair.

How Many Canaries and Finches Can You Keep?

You now know that canaries and finches can live together. Still, you might be wondering how many canaries and finches you can keep together in a cage.

You can either keep a single finch and a single canary together in the same cage. Or, you can keep multiple canaries and finches together. However, you should provide larger cages if you want to keep multiple canaries and finches together.

Make sure the cages provide everything the birds need to thrive. For example, make sure the cages are spacious enough so that each bird can have enough room to fly. Also, make sure there are enough perches to meet the perching needs of your birds.

In addition to cage requirements, it is essential to ensure that your birds have sufficient food and water. Even if you keep three pairs of birds in a cage, make sure there is enough food for each bird. No matter how many canaries or finches you plan to keep together, do whatever it takes to provide your birds with all of their needs.

Canaries and finches are extraordinary birds. Perhaps no other species of bird can live together in a cage like these two birds do.

Best of all, canaries and finches can enrich each other. Consider keeping a canary and finch together, and you’ll discover the best side of these two species of birds.

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  1. How to Raise a Goldfinch? – All About Goldfinch – Bird Hub

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