Canaries are social birds, so they will enjoy each other’s company. They are not territorial, but they may be aggressive towards each other, especially if there is a shortage of space or food. If your canaries fight to the death, that means they are feeling threatened. Maybe they don’t have enough space or food, or…
Unlike birds, penguins do not feed their babies directly from a pouch. Rather, they have a tiny area of bare skin called a crop on the underside of their body where they store food and later regurgitate it. The female penguin feeds the baby penguin by giving it food from her crop. The process of…
Penguins have a lot of adaptations for living in Antarctica. They have blubber for warmth, webbed feet for swimming, and feathers that are very dense to help them stay warm in water. They also have wings adapted for swimming. Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere on many different kinds of habitats such as temperate, tropical…
Flamingos are social animals and will live in flocks of hundreds if not thousands. This gives them a huge advantage when it comes to defense as they can raise an alert and quickly scare off any would-be predators. However, they also have other defenses to protect themselves. These include: Incredible eyesight – flamingos have very…
Flamingos nest in colonies on mud flats. They use their beaks to mash up mud and wet grasses, which they then form into a shallow bowl-shaped nest. The nests are often quite close together. Flamingos build nests from the mud and grass that is available in their habitat. They shape the material into a shallow…
Flamingos drink using their bill upside down. The long, curved beak has a comb-like structure inside it that strains out food. Flamingos drink by sucking water up with their bill, then tilting their head back to allow any sediment to settle out. After this, they strain the water through a comb-like structure in their bill,…
Crows are generally pretty resilient creatures, and they have been known to eat just about anything. They’re basically the trash cans of the bird world; they’ll scavenge for roadkill, sometimes stealing food from other animals’ kills. They also eat a wide variety of plants, berries, seeds and bugs. Crows aren’t usually considered good eating. Their…
Flamingos spend much of their lives standing on one leg, leaving their other leg tucked up and out of the way. But how do they sleep like this? Flamingos are able to sleep while standing on one leg because they don’t need all of their brain to sleep. The bird will only allow half of…
It’s easier to tell if a bird is pregnant if you know her normal behaviors and patterns of egg laying. By the time the eggs are visible, it’s usually too late to tell the difference between an egg and the beginnings of an embryo. You can’t see an embryo inside a bird through her feathers,…
Flamingos are not aggressive towards humans. However, they are very protective of their eggs, which they incubate in large colonies. When threatened or disturbed, they may become aggressive, but they will not attack a human. They do have their own territory. Flamingos are known to both peck and bite if humans or animals get too…