Everything You Need About Birds

Author: Zayd

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  • raising bird

    Disadvantages of Raising Birds at Home

    Pets are companion animals to humans, they include some animals such as birds, pet birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, and rodents, and this article will deal with birds, where some pet birds such as poultry can be bred and organized, and these poultry are classified into chickens, ducks, pigeons, pea birds, geese, quails, turkeys, swans, and…

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  • canaries smell

    Do Canaries Smell?

    The belief was prevalent among scientists, even before the last thirty years, that birds are completely incapable of feeling smells, but this belief later turned out to be wrong. The smell of birds in general The means of communication used by canaries are above all visual and acoustic, that is to say the colors of…

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  • Atlantic canary

    How Long Do Canaries Live For?

    If you are a fan of raising a canary, expect a canary to accompany you for 15 years! It is true, do not take this number as accurate, as some birds will live less and others will exceed it, and this depends mainly on the level of health care, activity, and the application of the…

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  • canary die

    What Do Canaries Die From?

    Despite the fact that pet owners are convinced that they wish their pets to be well, they cannot, of course, foresee all the dangers that await our stoic friends at home. You must follow the rules for caring for canary birds so that they can live comfortably and safely. Unfortunately, many birds die ahead of…

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  • canary cuddle

    Do Canaries Like to Cuddle?

    Some birds don’t really take to being handled and canaries are among them, while others bond very tightly with their owners and can be very lovable like cockatoos.   Canaries do not like to be cuddled, they are not birds that like to be handled, even if they feel very warm towards you. Getting too…

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  • Do Canaries poop

    Do Canaries Poop a Lot?

    The answer is yes, canaries produce a good amount of droppings as well as feathers when shedding. It is normal for pets to not be fully aware when they have to go about their business. They don’t have the same brain size as us humans, which allows us to be aware when we have to…

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