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Are Canaries Good Pets?




Canaries Good Pets


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Canaries are some of the best and most popular pet birds. These birds exhibit a happy nature and their fantastic singing ability coupled with beautiful colors make these pet birds awesome. Additionally, canaries have a great personality, which makes them one of the easiest birds to interact with all birds. Nothing is more exciting than being woken up by the beautiful songs of your canary.

Do Canaries Make Good Pets?

Yes, canaries are great pets because they are small, easy to maintain, very clean, and can be carried by hand. In addition to this, canaries are very good singers and can sing various melodies.

5 Reasons to Get a Canary Bird

First, you need to understand why a canary makes a great pet before you bring a canary home. The more you know why a canary is right for you and your lifestyle, the more ready you will be to own a canary. Below are five reasons why a canary may be your best pet compared to other species of birds.

  • Easy maintenance
    Canaries are small birds that are easy to care for. First, canaries need smaller cages than other captive bird species. Due to their small size, you can keep your canary indoors or out.

Canaries also eat smaller amounts of food than other larger bird species such as parrots. Your canary will do well on a diet of seeds and vegetables. Pet canaries only need a seed-based diet to thrive, like their wild counterparts which feed on a variety of wild seeds. Canaries can also feed on insects because they are omnivorous. Nevertheless, always provide your canary with smaller portions of seed mix.

You can purchase these seed mixes at a nearby pet store or from Amazon. Alternatively, you can feed your canary with vegetables and fruits. Some of the best food options for captive canaries include berries, fruits, and vegetables. You can also care for your canary if you feed them vegetables like lettuce and broccoli.

The other thing that makes canaries one of the least-maintenance pet birds is that they don’t need a lot of personal attention. These birds are nervous by nature, and they will resist even the slightest attempt to handle these birds.

That said, all canaries are fairly easy to care for and maintain. Your canary only needs a cage where he can fly. Plus, all you need to do is provide your canary with healthy food to thrive. Some canaries also need toys, although toys are not required for these birds.

In addition to being low-maintenance birds, canaries are also easy to tame. You can tame your bird by hand with little effort once it gets used to you. Keep in mind that canaries are social birds despite their nervousness. Therefore, you can tame and interact with your canary bird once you get comfortable with you.

  • Requires a small space
    This may be a great reason to choose a canary, especially if you have limited living space. Canaries are small birds and therefore do not need a lot of space to thrive. You can keep your canary in an apartment or condo, as long as you have space to place its cage.

Canaries are more flying birds than climbing birds. Therefore, these birds only want a spacious cage where they can fly. The cage does not have to be bigger. Your bird’s cage should provide enough space for your canary to fly from one side of the cage to the other.

  • Can be carried by hand
    A canary is the only species of bird that you have a chance to effectively tame by hand. While manual taming of a canary is not a straightforward process, it is nonetheless a worthwhile process. The first step in taming your canary by hand is to first make it comfortable around you.

You can choose the workouts once you get along well with the bird. Your workouts should last 10 to 15 minutes a day. Longer sessions can end up stressing your bird.

Plus, you don’t have to force your bird to accept your training sessions. Make training sessions easier on yourself and wait for your bird to accept your training efforts before continuing with your training.

You can even train your canary to feed on your hand once he is comfortable and relaxed. Nothing is more fascinating than watching your canary feed on your hand. Canaries love treats to respond positively to your training efforts.

Therefore, remember to place your canary’s best food on your hand. For example, you can try putting seeds on your hand to entice your bird to come and feed on your hand.

  • Good singer
    Among the most endearing qualities of canaries are their enthralling songs. Male canaries are known as the best singers. A canary will wake you up with its beautiful songs, especially if it lives alone. Their song can be a great therapy for the elderly who stay at home most of the day. If you want a cheerful bird that can sing beautiful songs for you, a canary will be your best option.
  • Birds are clean
    Canaries are too clean. These birds do not entertain dirt, even when they live in the wild. All you have to do is give your canary clean water, and the bird will take a delicious bath after a long day. Canaries are arguably among the cleanest birds in the world.

Your bird will take a bath every day as long as there is clean water around. Canaries want to stay clean to stay happy and healthy. You won’t have to bathe your bird yourself. You should provide clean water in a water dish where your bird can take occasional baths once he feels he wants to clean himself.

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One response to “Are Canaries Good Pets?”

  1. Can Canaries See in the Dark? – Bird Hub

    […] Canaries have a field of vision of around 300 degrees. This is because they have large eyes, which are surrounded by a ring of feathers. To see behind them, canaries must turn their heads. While this may make them appear vulnerable to predators, their ability to see in front and to the sides makes up for it. […]

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